【 iPhone X / Xs Case 】
Animal Print

HKD$ 420 - Free Shipping

Asteria currently has a variety of iPhone Cases!
iPhone X / Xs - HKD$ 420
iPhone Xs Max Case - HKD$ 480
Please choose your model at the pull down menu

**Free International EMS Shipping. 7 - 10 working days to arrive.
(Due to the reduction or cancellation of flights by airlines, items sent to certain destinations may be subject to delay.)

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【 ENQUIRY / 問い合わせ 】: info@asterialand.com

ASTERIA IPHONE CASES are thin, light, and easy to grip includes art and fashion prints while providing extra protection. Made from super clear soft acrylic with glassy finished. The back is designed to be sturdy, while the sides are made from a softer, more flexible material that fits right over the buttons for an improved grip. The case can be used with phone strap!


アステリアのアイフォンケースは、薄くて軽く、持ちやすい! アートとファッションを同時に楽しまう! ガラス仕上げの超透明で柔らかいアクリル製。背面は高い耐久性を持つように作られていて、側面では一段とソフトで柔軟性がある素材がiPhoneのボタンにぴったりフィットし、持ちやすさを向上させます。ケースは携帯ストラップで使用できます!